How to write stress free copy!

NOTE: The copy that follows is not meant to cause any offence to the people mentioned in it. It is a pure attempt to write ‘good copy’, and nothing but just that. In case you are a servicing person or a client with no pity for an innocent little trying-to-be-humourous copywriter, please avoid reading.

To write stress free copy, type: S – T – R – E – S – S – F – R – E - E – C – O – P - Y

Ok sorry for the bad PJ. On a serious note, to write a bad copy (oops!), I mean to have complete peace of mind, follow 2 simple steps:

STEP 1: Agree. Agree. Just agree.

Whoever said, “Clients can’t write copy!” Of course they can. You never realise but they are your copy helpers in disguise. And the biggest thing is that they APPROVE what they write (or should I say what they make you type)! Imagine them doing their own work and you earning big bucks for that!

STEP 2: Listen. Follow.

Listen to what the servicing person thinks will be approved. Pay complete attention to this genius’ remarks, follow the instructions, blindly. His comments are an effigy of the client’s needs. You are a loser if you disagree.

Bas, these 2 steps, followed regularly and you will survive as the most stress free person on Planet Ad! And more than anything, the title of ‘the bad copy guru’ comes as an incentive!

So friends, keep writing… as they like it.

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