Creativity or Complications? Too many Cs out here ;)

Correct me if I am wrong - as we grow, life seems to be getting complicated.
hildhood fun times keep disappearing while deadlines take over. 

Cancelling the morning alarm no more makes sense.
atching the bus or train to work is the first target for every day.
an we reach office on time and leave before it's too late?
an the boss be less bossy?

Can the client give us some more time?
anteen, if any at the workplace, seems to be a short getaway!
an the lunch break be a little longer? 

an we reach back home before eight

an we cook the entire 4-course meal?
an people just love everything we cook as if we were the Masterchef winner?
C'mon, life wasn't supposed to be this busy and complicated.
Care to know how you can just get a little break?
Capture some pictures in the camera you had kept somewhere hoping that you might travel some day.
Create some craft stuff or pick up a canvas.
atch hold of some clay, colourful papers, stencils, scissors, sketch-pens and just have your way with them.

Craft creation by yours truly!
Count me on this, at the end of  trying some creativity, you will feel awesome.
Cool, isn't it? 
Consider commencing this creative activity this weekend itself, else you will be lost in life's complications again!
Clap, clap clap :)

Current post is written by me for the A-Z Blogging Challenge where I will post every day (except Sundays) all through the month of April. Most importantly, I will blog thematically on topics from A to Z! So for April 1, I chose a topic starting with the letter A, for April 2 the letter B and so on.

My A-Z Challenge Entries: A B C D...  


  1. U must have felt real good after writing this post too !!
    Creativity does make us feel good Anuradha
    Loved the post in and out !
    Can we have 2 more hours to sleep
    Can the boss give us a hike with out thinking deep
    Can the nosy neighbor mind her own business
    Can the fun quota increase and work become less
    Oops u made me creative too ;)
    Enjoyed this

  2. Lovely , lovely ...clap..clap :))

  3. and Chill! nice lot of Cs.

  4. Can the client give us some more time - the story of my life !

    1. tell me about it! someday i want to become the client!

  5. A cool post with a lot to ponder on! Good one, Anuradha :)

  6. Clap, clap, clap indeed Anuradha. Fun post!

  7. Lots of C's put to good use. :)

  8. Cool and creative. Sensible questions too.

  9. Love it! Very Creative. :)


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