If the glass is half empty

If the glass is half empty:
  1. Transfer the water to a smaller glass
  2. Add half-a-glass of vodka
  3. Tell me, why did you drink just half-a-glass
  4. Add some ice
  5. Pick up another one
  6. Drink it 
Now you tell me!
  1. Wait for the waiter to fill it - Mrinal
  2. Why waste half glass of water? Add half glass Whiskey and make its life worth it. - Siddhesh Kabe
  3. If half a glass of water can quench my thirst and still leave a few drops at the bottom of the glass; why even think of a full glass? - Akshay Surve
  4. As a IT guy .. i am used to see progress bar which is kind of false positive
  5. Good! Less water -more food. Burp!!! - Chaitanya


  1. as a IT guy .. i am used to see progress bar which is kind of false positive

  2. hey IT guy, that's cool! but pls tell us your name, will add it to your listing

  3. Wow Wonderful your post and nice information shared. good idea for glass is half empty. amazing your blog. i like your thinking good article use in your blog . thanks


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