This is a dry weekend!

And once again we decided on a particular restaurant (Pot Pourri) since Mrinal wanted to have beer and it turned out to be a dry day! So guys and gals if you are planning to drink and dine out this weekend (10-11 April), remember it's a dry one on account of elections.


  1. Well Dry Day !! Still a useful information for the Boozers !!

  2. Having lived in USA all my life, I cannot imagine or visualize a dry weekend. Any how, sorry for you both.

    Also what is alcohol sales has to do with elections? Do people involve in rowdyism on election day?

  3. well SG, i suppose it's done to 'prevent' any kind of problems during election time. though i experienced people carrying some flag and bothering an auto rickshaw driver yesterday. of course, these people were not drunk and it appeared they belonged to a political party. i believe if someone needs to create a problem on purpose, he'll do so when he's not under the influence of alcohol. on second thought, i believe they should make alcohol consumption compulsory ;)

  4. Thanks for dropping by Unseen (Now Seen) Rajasthan!

  5. Thanks for your answer. I appreciate it. You are right. If someone wants to create a problem, they would do (if they are drunk or not.)

    If you both want to have a quite enjoyable evening with a drink or two, you both are welcome in our home on any day. This is an open invitation.

  6. that's so sweet SG... will let u know if we plan to visit the US :)


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