10 behinds behind every successful man

"Behind every successful man is a woman."

I came across this quote once again today and thought it's about time we look at it again. So I'm getting back to my favorite hobby - creating quotable quotes / funny versions of quotes. Here are my versions of the quote that might be applicable today:
  1. Behind every successful man is his insecure boss. 
  2. Behind every successful man is a man (his gay partner).
  3. Behind every successful man is his woman's male friend he's jealous of.
  4. Behind every successful man is his team who actually works while he takes away the credit.
  5. Behind every successful man is his age.
  6. Behind every successful man is his home loan. 
  7. Behind every successful man is sheer chance.
  8. Behind every successful man is competition.
  9. Behind every successful man is media.
  10. Behind every successful man is a woman who'd have otherwise been successful if he had been behind her ;)
Now should I replace "every successful man" with "many successful men"? (in the above sentences of course ;))

Next in queue (On the occasion of Women's Day): Behind every successful woman


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